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Master Plan Notes 2009/02/05
Town of Sunapee
Planning Board Meeting
February 5, 2009

Present:        Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
                Peter White
                Bruce Jennings
                Philip Porter
                Derek Tatlock
                Emma M. Smith, Ex-officio
                Michael Marquise

Absent:         Alan Davis, Vice Chairman
                Fred Gallup, Ex-officio Alternate
                Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator

7:00 p.m -  the meeting was called to order by Chairman, Peggy Chalmers.  Roll call was taken. She stated that she will not be at the second meeting in March or the first meeting in April.

The minutes of the January 8th meetings were reviewed and the following corrections made:
1)  Page 2, line 94-96, change ’from’ to read ’starting at’
2)  Page 3, line 97, change
3)  Page 3, line 107, change ’Thorns’  to read  ‘Fornes’ and ‘Near’ to read ’Neerd’

A motion was made by Philip Porter to approve the minutes as corrected.  The motion was seconded by Derek Tatlock and approved unanimously.

The minutes for December 18 were tabled until the next meeting.

There were no revisions to the agenda.

There were no administrative matters.

7:15 PM
SECTION VII - Housing Section

Michael Marquise announced the next item on the agenda and handed out copies of the Housing section to the board members.  He stated that a request to approve the new name for the Fieldstone subdivision, Fieldstone Drive, had been made by the Board of Selectmen. The Planning Board agreed unanimously to approve the name.  Michael asked if everyone had received copies of  the Land Use Section II and the draft on the Conservation of Natural Resource Inventory.  Peggy Chalmers stated that the last recollection she had regarding this was that it had been decided to hire Upper Valley to write it.  Michael responded that it had been done and that Alan came back with a draft of it, which Michael said he would send to everyone.

Bruce Jennings stated that when he had come in to look at the maps, he was told that the conservation overlays are not done and Michael responded that they are putting them on 11x17 copies and will have them soon.  

Michael also said that, for the Master Plan,  he would appreciate everyone’s comments on the following categories:
1) recreational resources
2) historic resources
3) natural resources
4) cultural resources
He went on to say that this was the first step and they could add things, take away things, and it could be their homework for the next session, but because there were not any cases for this meeting, he thought they might want to discuss those categories and any ideas that they might have recollections about at this meeting.

Peggy Chalmers stated that in the recreational resources, they needed additional facilities for athletic activities within Dewey Field, additional parking at Ski Tow Hill, a recreation building for seniors, and maybe a third gym.  at the Alexander property, there could be a dedication for the rec building, and the Jennings forest would be ideal for an outing club facility with a hiking trail around Wendell Marsh.

Peggy stated that Scott had come in and then she asked if he prepares a Master Plan for the Selectmen? Emma Smith responded that he comes in periodically with suggestions/plans for ideas and currently he had proposed a children’s playground for Ski Tow Hill.  Peggy volunteered to send him an email with a summary of her notes and ask him what he suggests because he certainly is the driving force behind the recreation department except for what the conservation committee wants to do in terms of hiking trails.  The other thing that Peggy thinks should be looked at for the recreational resources is what the survey responses were from the children (at the school), and she stated that mainly they complained there was no place to go and wanted a couple of sports that they were interested in.

Michael stated that for the Master Plan, he knew that hiking trails and cross country skiing were the main choices from the majority of responses.  Philip Porter asked what it would take to put a foot path around Wendall Marsh and Bruce Jennings responded that it would take clearing out a pathway.  Peggy asked if the Lyons Club would be interested in taking on the project because they had originally said they would clear a path off Orchard Park for the children to get to school.
Volunteers frequently will do these kinds of projects like they did for Tyler Trail at the high school. She also suggested some kind of small place for canoeing and having a park area for people to use along the Sugar River. Bruce Jennings suggested having a fishing derby and/or some fishing area where the recreational department could stock the pond and use the revenues to pay for itself.  Peter White commented that the bigger challenge is their desire for some type of building, something other than an outdoor field. He mentioned the article in the InterTown Record about the consultant at the library, who suggested that the Town somehow needs to establish an overall building plan for the development of future buildings. This led into a discussion about having the monies set aside to be able to purchase the appropriate properties as they come on the market. He stated that there had been a building committee, but Peggy responded that it had seemed to fade away. Bruce Jennings stated that he had been asked by the recreation department about his cottage at Georges Mills as a place to have access to the beach area, because it provided town parking space and had the marina there. He told them he could rent it to them. Peggy suggested Crowther Chapel as an example of purchasing property and having it become a source of revenue by giving tours of the site. Another idea she suggested was to have a trolley/bus tour (that goes as far as Claremont) become part of the Sunapee Day activities.   Michael suggested the old Town Hall as part of the historic resources, but Peggy stated that it was only on the State historic registry, not the National Historic Register.  Emma Smith suggested a museum for the cultural resources and Peter White added that there was not a summer stock theater in the area.  Bruce Jennings commented that there was still the concrete stage-type setting that used to be used for graduation and thought there was a possibility of using it again for some type of outdoor theater or concerts.  Peggy stated that someone had donated money to have a bridge built to Hames Park and Emma said that she would inquire about that on Monday.  Peter White stated that they should look to the future of the Town and have a compass to help guide the Town when land becomes available and Michael said that he would include a suggestion for capital reserve funds to be set up in his recommendations.

Michael went on to general items that included a meeting next Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. for community design in the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission. Peggy asked if the harbor area was part of the workforce housing and Michael responded that theoretically it would tie-in the whole town area. Philip Porter asked him to get specifications for this.  

Michael went on to the next item: only one person had signed up for the board position and they should have some discussion about write-ins.  Peggy stated that Ray DiGiovanni had said he would come to the meting tonight, but he hadn’t shown up and they needed to wait and see what happens. Peter White suggested that they appoint somebody to fill the position and Michael responded that if Ray declined, then they could appoint someone for a one year term.

Michael asked if the board should meet again in two weeks. Peggy reiterated that she would not be at the second meeting in March and Philip Porter suggested that they meet in one month. The Board agreed to meet again on March 5th.

8:45 PM Meeting adjourned.

NOTE: The above minutes represent a summary of, not a verbatim of the tape.

Submitted by                                            Approved_______________________
Camille Holmes
Recording Secretary

________________________________                        ____________________________
Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                                        Allan Davis, Vice Chairman

________________________________                        _____________________________
Bruce Jennings                                          Derek Tatlock

________________________________                        _____________________________
Philip Porter                                                   Peter White

________________________________                        _____________________________
Emma M. Smith, Ex-officio                                       Frederick Gallup, Alt. Ex-officio